pada 27 februari - 7 Mei 2012 , Unit Bimbingan Dan Kaunseling Smk Kangkar Pulai telah mengadakan minggu antidadah peringkat sekolah . Ahli-ahli Kelab Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya ( PRS ) Smk Kangkar Pulai juga telah membantu menjayakan
kempen antidadah tersebut .
Pelbagai aktiviti telah dijalankan sepanjang kempen ini dijalankan
antaranya :
* Pertandingan melukis poster (
menengah atas )
* Pertandingan mewarna ( menengah rendah )
* Pertandingan teka silang kata ( semua pelajar )
* Pertandingan mencipta sajak ( peringkat guru & pelajar menengah atas
* Pertandingan menulis esei ( peringkat guru & pelajar menengah atas )
* Ceramah 'RAHSIA'
Dengan mengadakan aktiviti - aktiviti tersebut, sekaligus dapat memberikan
pengetahuan tentang jenis dadah serta kesan negatifnya terhadap manusia .
Pelajar dapat membina jati diri serta mengelakkan diri daripada terjebak dengan
najis dadah.
Week anti-drug
on 27 February to 7 May 2012, guidance and counseling unit Pulai smk Kangkar held anti-drug week at school. The members of the Peer Mentor Club (PRS) Pulai Kangkar smk has also helped the anti-drug campaign.
Various activities were carried out during the campaign was carried out including:
* Drawing competition poster (upper secondary)
* Coloring competition (lower secondary)
* Competition crossword puzzle (all students)
* Competition to create the poem (the upper secondary teachers & students)
* The competition to write an essay (teachers & students at upper secondary)
* Talks 'Secret'
By organizing activities - these activities, thus helping to provide knowledge about drugs and its effects on humans. Students can build self-esteem and avoid getting caught with drugs.
Week anti-drug
on 27 February to 7 May 2012, guidance and counseling unit Pulai smk Kangkar held anti-drug week at school. The members of the Peer Mentor Club (PRS) Pulai Kangkar smk has also helped the anti-drug campaign.
Various activities were carried out during the campaign was carried out including:
* Drawing competition poster (upper secondary)
* Coloring competition (lower secondary)
* Competition crossword puzzle (all students)
* Competition to create the poem (the upper secondary teachers & students)
* The competition to write an essay (teachers & students at upper secondary)
* Talks 'Secret'
By organizing activities - these activities, thus helping to provide knowledge about drugs and its effects on humans. Students can build self-esteem and avoid getting caught with drugs.
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